Capable designers can help manufacturers define the look and feel and create identity.
The designer is certainly the least known.
Famous figures in the furniture industry.
Most manufacturers think that we are either unnecessary expenses or necessary evil.
The public is not aware of our existence, except as reflected by the recent phenomenon of \"celebrity\" designers, they are easier to use scissors and copiers than T-
Square and pencil to exchange ideas (
If they don\'t stamp the work of an anonymous designer).
Although not all
furniture manufacturers use designers, furniture must be conceived first before production, even if the idea is blatantly copied or \"knocked at the door\"off.
\"Before the middle
In the 19th century, designers and manufacturers were the same people.
Popularity of some designers
The work of the craftsman was spread through the publication of model books such as Thomas chippendel\'s gentleman and cabinet --
Maker\'s catalogue and George hepplewhite\'s guide to scabinetmaker and Upholsterer are widely read and copied across the Atlantic in the 18th century.
Prior to 1840, furniture production in the United States was largely manual trade, starting with cutting down trees and completing the final product.
It\'s not surprising that the two main furniture centers are Boston and New York.
The style is mainly a replica imported from Amsterdam and London.
The Industrial Revolution and the arrival of the public
The furniture produced re-creates the division of labor between the person designing the furniture and the person performing the design. Machine-
Furniture is more affordable for the masses than benches.
Furniture, short in style, reflects a variety of influences.
Furniture centres are also emerging in other parts of the United States: Philadelphia, Columbus, Cincinnati, Chicago, Jamestown and Grand Rapids.
In order to meet the growing demand for furniture from an expanding population, the manufacturer paid the draftsman the cost of developing a new design.
Typically, these drafters were initially sculptors or model makers, and some eventually entered the executive position.
In the late 1800 s, Grand Rapids became the dominant furniture hub, where the role of furniture designers we know today has been established.
David Walcott Kendall is an outstanding figure in this emerging field.
Kendall, led by his father, studied cable production and later worked in a furniture company, moving up from the workshop, where he was hired as a designer.
Kendall came to Grand Rapids in 1879 and is an assistant designer of Phoenix furniture.
Is the first professional draftsman in Grand Rapids.
Kendall spent several months studying the classic European style, setting a precedent for Phoenix\'s \"period\" furniture.
Kendall designed and produced his English version in 1898.
Morris chair design.
Kendall\'s version entered the White House and was called (
President William)McKinleychair.
Kendall\'s most enduring contribution to the field of design is his widow David Walcott Kendall School of Art.
Founded in 1928, the school, now known as Kendall College of Art and Design, has trained hundreds of furniture designers.
Kendall is just one of the many famous rush city designers, including Dingle, Dale Ford, Robert Colleen and Henry Warren.
Warren\'s son David and grandson Michael joined the profession.
Industry Record: after 50 years, the husband and wife team of Mary and Las Kirkpatrick are still selling some of the best products
Well-known design in the industry: a pilgrimage to Link-
Taylor, Tudor manor at Universal Store, Lillian Russell at Davis cabinet.
Lillian Russell has a record of more than 50 years of continuous production in the history of American manufacturing. Carl H.
Eggebrecht\'s father, William, was originally a carverfor at Berkeley and Guy, and he was another big Rush City designer working at forLink.
Young Taylor
And made some of the best
1960 and 70 design.
These include a lot of interesting ships, raw skins, sailing sailors and ancestral mahogany;
The latter two are still being manufactured.
After the Second World War, the industry developed to the south, and designers also followed.
Today, the design sold by the United StatesS.
The company is probably produced in a country we barely heard of 10 years ago.
Unlike designers of the early days, the long journey to VA Bassett is a ordeal for them, and designers usually travel through multiple time zones, visiting parts or third-world customers, the products of these customers will eventually enter the US retail market.
The designers who created the company logo chose the computer --
Auxiliary design instead of manual design
Sketch and detail drawings, which can only result in a more uniform design.
Young designers store templates in their hard drives so they can produce hundreds of Queen Anne\'s legs, all of which are the same, for example, without obvious elegance, lack of understanding of how this design has evolved over the centuries.
Let us hope that in the long run, technology will not overcome aesthetics or imagination.
Moving towards the brand
The fashion designer\'s name authorization is another desperate action in an industry, and also to talk to others rather than consumers.
The record that triggered the protocol is rather unstable, especially compared to some of the designs mentioned above.
Furniture makers have to work with very tight margins, and higher commissions paid to \"name\" Designers are certainly not helpful.
Still, the industry remains one of the last forts of capitalism, even small niche companies that produce good
Well designed
Furniture will have an impact on the market.
In addition, the designer helps define the specific look of the company, and doing so helps create identity for the company.
While many companies are reluctant to promote the contribution of designers to their success, some designers are almost synonymous (
At least in the industry)
The companies they have served are: latken Walz and Henredon, Leonard Eisen and Plasky, Milo Boman andsel Cokin, RaymondB. Solie and Ello.
Whether in a conversation or on a computer terminal, next year\'s hit series comes from the cocktail napkins, and furniture designers are the undisputed key figures in the manufacturing chain.
Editor\'s note: The author is the head of Steve Hodges United
A furniture design and marketing service company located in Lexington, North Carolina.
He designed many awards.
American collection of award winning casesS.
Canadian manufacturer.
He is the former chairman of the American Association of furniture designers.