stanley boots up new home office plant.

VA\'s Martinsville factory is committed to doubling the company\'s sales of computer furniture.
Stanley Furniture was initially attracted by the wave of popular home PCs
Make up for lost time with a new 300,000square-
Located in the foot factory in VA Martinsville, it specializes in the production of home office furniture.
Stanley Furniture has invested $17 million in the new plant, including flexible production equipment that helps reduce inventory and labor costs.
Stanley officials expect the new plant to help the company nearly double home office furniture sales to $25 million in its first year of operation.
Albert L said the Home Office is a market where \"customers get there before the manufacturer.
Prillaman, Chairman, President and CEO of Stanley Furniture.
He pointed out that traditional furniture manufacturers like Stanley make bedrooms, restaurants and occasional furniture on the upper floors
Within the medium price range, consumer demand for furniture is slow to respond to support for home computers.
On the contrary, it is ready. to-
Assembled furniture manufacturers, who enjoy the virtual monopoly market for the most part of 1980 and 1990.
People who play catch up with \"RTA are very good at adapting to it (PC usage)
\"Right away,\" Prillaman said.
In the meantime, Stanley started testing the water with a few things seven or eight years ago to determine if there was \"a customer who wanted the residential look, not the RTA\'s pure functional look,\" Prillaman added.
Stanley was satisfied with the existence of such a market and began to make office furniture that matched the bedroom, living room and occasional furniture.
\"The last two or three years have been the time for us to really make a commitment,\" Prillaman said . \".
\"We are trying to open up a niche market for people who want office furniture that looks like the rest of their home.
\"Stanley now offers 189 different home office products in nine furniture collections.
\"They have the same finish and design,\" said John Johnson, senior vice president of manufacturing . \".
\"A lot of people are turning their bedrooms and living rooms into offices,\" Johnson said . \".
He added that many consumers want to use the same grade of furniture for the rest of their house.
The target Stanley Furniture Company, which now has five factories in Virginia and North Carolina, has sales of $50 million to $276.
Sales last year were 5 million.
The Home Office and the young American children and youth hotline are the fastest at Stanley Furniture --
A growing product category.
But Stanley officials know that they need more room for development if they want to be successful at the Home Office.
Before the special factory was built, Stanley was like four, Johnson said.
The athlete realized that he could not stand out from all the athletes.
\"We cannot put the power of the people and all the efforts into the Home Office,\" he said . \".
Stanley officials believe all this will change with the relocation of the new plant.
They expect to ship $25 million worth of products from Martinsville this year, compared to $14 million worth of office furniture produced last year at the company\'s case goods factory in Stanleytown, VA.
If everything goes according to plan, the facility will cost about $50 million by 2002, Johnson said.
\"I think the interior ministry will be there for a long time and will continue to grow,\" Prillaman said . \".
\"I think computers will continue to be a part of home entertainment.
\"One of the biggest challenges of serving the home office market, rather than making bedroom and living room furniture, is understanding the rapidly changing computer industry and its impact on furniture functions,\" Prillaman said.
To this end, Stanley has a product manager who attends the electronics exhibition and is responsible for understanding \"what is going on with the computer, from the size of the tower to the size of the screen, to the type of audio, \"said Prillaman. A Hurry-
In order to compete with the field, to improve the mentalitythe-
Stanley officials put shelf computer tables and modules on shelves to help customers get their computers off the kitchen tables faster, one of the driving forces behind the new factory design.
Robin Campbell, manager of marketing and advertising services, said customers can customize computers
Built for them in just three days.
For the convenience of this custom service, Stanley added a design page to its website ---www.
Furniture. com --
In this way, consumers can plan out their home offices and choose furniture that suits their size.
Campbell said that in the first three months, nearly half of the people who visited the Stanley website clicked on the design page.
Stanley is working to achieve a goal of reducing the delivery time from the original 20 days to 40 days, on average to two weeks.
So far, the average time is two-and-a-
From receiving orders in Martinsville to half a week when the product is ready for shipment at the dock. New labor-and time-
Johnson said that the savings in equipment helped the work of plant managers Gary Bock and Terry garter, who, as the head of the Stanleytown case goods plant, also supervised the Home Office six miles away
In flexible, high
The technical equipment of the classic office furniture factory is GreCon Dimter computer cutting equipment
Weinig\'s off system for optimizing rough machining of wood, a Balestrini ONG tenoning machine from solid wood systems, and four relatively small but fast Shoda ONO
Computer simulation Pinpoints requires Stanley to use the computer simulation program produced by his entire home office to help plan the layout and equipment requirements of the plant.
\"Every part of each piece of furniture is studied in the simulation,\" Bocock said . \".
\"This is a part;
Here are the operations it has experienced.
\"The results of the simulation modeling process were compared with the original production data collected by the case cargo factory.
So Stanley officials know how long each operation will take in the existing plant, but with the help of consultants, they have to figure it out, how much additional output can be obtained using new equipment from the new plant.
\"It\'s really easy to do it on a piece of paper,\" Bocock said . \".
\"But we need to do some validation of what we are doing,\" which is obtained from the simulation. The real-
Carefully analyzed time and simulation data, Stanley officials made plans and placed equipment orders between April and last November.
In most cases, the selected device can perform multiple operations.
Time and effort has also been put into hiring and training employees.
Of the 258 Martinsville employees, only about 50 people came from the Stanley town factory.
The wood was observed at close range, and when the original wood was assessed for quality and defects, computerized was evident at the beginning of the manufacturing process.
Optimized cutting in Grecon dimmer
Under the saw, an operator sets the parameters of the degree of distortion acceptable to the board.
He also set the width of the crack before loading the plate into the machine.
If the board does not meet acceptable standards, \"it will kick it out,\" Carter said . \".
Carter added that Stanley saved time and wood with a saw because it usually found a place to use the rejected board instead of having it cut and then found and checked in
In the past, the committee defected by eye-power.
An employee looks up and down at each piece because it is communicated one by his or her station.
\"It\'s as good as the wood inspectors, they make a mistake because they have to look at each piece in a second,\" Johnson said . \".
The new system has a camera that can scan each piece of wood and identify the defect so that the employee can mark the defect by hand.
Carter said that the system uses 10 people, not the 13 people needed for traditional methods, which is an important saving given the scarcity of qualified labor.
Only 20 feet away from rough grinding is the machine plus department.
Here, Balestrini tenoner cuts Oval tenons faster and more accurately than the equipment used to process rectangular tenons.
Johnson said: \"Before, we had a guy who ran a piece there and checked it with his ruler . \" He highlighted the improvements in the process.
Close to the assembly area, The Edge shape and slot mold of the veneer panel that came in from the Stanleytown factory truck was bored by the Shoda router, the difference was only 0.
Carter said 002 inchThe dual-
Carter said that smaller and faster than some of the other tables used by the Stanley factory, suitable for the versatility and fast conversion needs of the Home Office, noting that the router does not have to be as large as the one used to cut the headboard.
\"We have not done a lot of shaping and occupying on these machines.
\"We are basically doing boring things and doing some routing,\" he said . \".
Each double table has a router head and a piggy back head.
Horizontal and vertical drilling can be done for each.
Other equipment used in the factory include the widebelt sanders, Bell 424 mitzvah saw, Greenlee unlocking machine and Fletcher tape machine and
Due to scheduling, tracks and panels arrive at the component at the same time, which is checked by the buffer schedule.
But before they went to the assembly line, a sample box was assembled.
Carter called a sample of casegoods \"set \".
\"We use this setting to make sure that the measurements on the rails are correct and polished and the doors are appropriate,\" he said . \".
From there, the parts continue to be assembled.
Assemble a box every 10 minutes before heading to the finishing room.
Graco and DeVilbiss equipment are used to spray Akzo Nobel coatings.
The booth is provided by the production system.
In order to keep the staff at a more comfortable temperature, the curing oven is 150 feet away from the painting booth. A 150-foot-
The long \"clean tunnel\" keeps the dust away from the newly finished furniture.
From the point of view of wood moving towards optimized cutting --
Turn off the system until the last finished product comes out of the oven, the factory works in small batches and produces 30 to 75 items at a time.
Limiting production is long term.
Stanley insists on philosophy that it would rather respond quickly to customer needs than keep warehouse inventory in factory or retailer operations, Prillaman said. \"It\'s hard.
\"Prillaman added.
\"You have to involve all of you in this system\" to speed up delivery.
He added that fast turnaround is particularly important for the Home Office because he said, \"instant delivery is very important.
\"While there is room for an increase, there is no immediate plan to expand the Martinsville plant.
Prillaman said that the next round of capital investment will be equipment investment, not structural investment.
\"Our first goal is to fill the factory with an annual output of $50 million,\" he said . \".
\"Now we have met our expectations.
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